I say I like to count the stars
lying on my back on clear summer nights
with the night air licking my skin
You say that's ridiculous there are too many stars to count
I say I like to make shapes with the clouds
high up in a tree getting inspired greatly
with the cool breeze kissing my cheeks
You say how stupid the coulds are just vapors in the sky
I say I want to be free someday
and you take it as I'm saying free of you
and you say I must want to leave
You say you'll do anything to keep me with you though
I say I have dreams that were shattered
and you ask what they were as if you could change it
but I brush off your request, I don't want to speak of it
You say you're hurt that I don't confide in you much
I say to myself I feel stuck and
I am fighting to keep my head above all this
I am struggling to retain conciousness
I am in an anesthetic vale, a stoic being I've come to be
I say I am pitiful and you agree